ECE 579: Advanced High-Speed and RF Integrated Circuits
Prerequisites: ECE 433 and 453
Principles of analog integrated circuit design in the Giga-Hertz frequency regime. This course cover advanced circuit building blocks such as low noise amplifiers, mixers, power amplifiers, and frequency synthesizers. Additionally, because some of the traditional microwave building blocks such as transmission lines and distributed circuit elements are essential parts of today's high speed integrated circuits, the course will briefly cover them. Throughout the course, a systematic review of advanced wireless and wireline applications would be covered. The course has a collaborative class projects, based on real-world problems.
ECE 433: Microwave Theory, Devices and Applications
Prerequisites: ECE 303
Introduction to the properties of microwave devices and their applications in circuits, waveguides, resonators, and antennas. The course will cover the considerations that must be appreciated when the operating frequency exceeds 1GHz. Topics include microwave devices, microwave measurement techniques, S-parameters, signal flow diagrams, matching networks, basic circuit design considerations, and computer-aided device and circuit analysis. The course emphasizes on physical understanding and intuitive design methods. Labs cover basic measurement techniques for active and passive elements as well as low noise amplifier design.
ECE453: Analog Integrated Circuits (CDE)
Prerequisites: ECE 315
An introduction to Analog Integrated Circuit design for electrical engineering students already familiar with passive circuit analysis and transistor behavior. This course will focus primarily on CMOS analog design and cover material including dynamic circuit analysis, feedback, stability, amplifiers, current mirrors, IC fabrication, and noise analysis culminating in a final design project. Students taking this course are required to have taken ECE 315 or equivalent. Familiarity with engineering statistics and Laplace/Fourier Transforms is highly recommended.